
Saturday, July 24, 2010

change for good?

"...bukan mudah untuk berubah dari tanpa arah ke sejadah.."
Masih terbukakah pintu taubatMu untukku...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

ooh makcik jpj

ok.. baru-baru ni ad orang tu pegi renew lesen yg dah expired ntah berape kurun ntah.. ade la makcik jpj ni tlg bwatkan... dan beberapa dialog perbualan telah tercetus..

[makcik jpj]
ang p mna? awat x mai renew awai-awai?

[si mati lesen]
xdan nk mai makcik...

[makcik jpj]
xdan ang p mna... da bekurun mati.. seb baek ang mai awai.. klu ang mai bulan 12 satg, kena test undang-undang balik la ang.. susah and bla3...

o yeah! dapat bimbingan kaunseling jap daripada makcik... ooh makcik thanks yea... hambek ko si mati lesen.. padan muka..

dialog berterusan...

[makcik jpj]
ang duk cni tang mna?

[si mati lesen]
gelugor.. blaja sna...

[makcik jpj]
owh.. usm?

[si mati lesen]
tak.. maktab...

[makcik jpj]
maktab perguruan?

[si mati lesen]

[makcik jpj]
jd cikgu la ni? nauzubillah... awat ang ni teruk sgt... tukaq la imej tu... potong rambut bg kemaih skit... dengan lesen ang renew lambat... klu anak murid ikut ang ni mampuih... p potong rambut noh...

[si mati lesen]
nk p la ni makcik... hee~ (senyum kambing je yang mampu time ni)

ooh makcik.. u hurt me so much... but i'll take as compliment.. ow thanks yah... i like u makcik jpj.. naseb bek mak cik senyum ja manjang...


did i just mention aku?

haahaaha tak kesah la.. janji idup jgk lesen ak setelah sekian lama drive secara illegal... rm40 melayang... see u in next two years makcik.. tadaa~

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

meah kata, choose a guy who makes you feel beautiful.

Different girls have different tastes. Don't be shy. If a guy likes someone, he should definitely flirt. Be playful. Being flirty is fun, but being flirty with everyone will probably scare a girl away because that may cause problems in the future. Just limit yourself to flirting with the girl you really like and don't be shy about asking a girl out.

No risks means no results. Asking her out will show her you have courage and you aren't afraid of showing your feelings. Girls want someone that will always be there for them, so listen to them, give opinions, help them out through hard times. They want to feel beautiful. They want a guy that will always think she is beautiful, even all sweaty in her PE clothes.


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